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HS Technical



HS Technical is a project orientated organization in the industrial field of energy, chemical and oil & gas. We offer a solid, reliable solution in solving engineering, construction and safety issues through a wide supply chain and a vast project network.

NBBU Cao Controle Certificerting

De NBBU ziet erop toe dat zijn leden betrouwbare, professioneel opererende ondernemingen zijn die de wet- en regelgeving, hoe complex ook, in acht nemen.

NEN 4400-1 Certificaat

Het NEN 4400-1 Certificaat voldoet HS Technical volledig aan de voorwaarden van de SNA. Stichting Normering Arbeid heeft als doelstelling het realiseren van zelfregulering ter voorkoming van fraude en illegaliteit in de uitzendbranche.

Our Mission

HS Technical provides a high-quality platform within wich we act as a intermediate to bring specialist and businesses closer together. We focus on a succesful and mutually beneficial coöperation.

High Service

High Service

Project orientated

Project orientated

Low Price

Low Price

Direct contact

Direct contact


0547 386644

Vonderweg 29
7469 DC Enter

KVK: 8110275
BTW nr.: NL811285777B02


HS Technical
HS Technical
HS Technical
HS Technical
HS Technical
HS Technical
HS Technical

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